Sihat Sarawakku Consent Form

Last updated: 14th Jun 2022


By signing and submitting this form, I am declaring that I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of the Privacy Policy of Sihat Sarawakku. I voluntarily consent and authorise Sihat Sarawakku to collect, administer, manage, and process all my personal data including sensitive personal data, (collectively known as “Personal Data”) to be used only for the purposes related to Sihat Sarawakku Health Screening Campaign, including the following: –

  • Health Screening;
  • Health Equipment Aid;
  • Completing Cancer Treatment Incentive;
  • Transport Incentive;
  • Medical Audit and Quality;
  • Health Profiling;
  • Data Analytics; and
  • Monitoring and Evaluation;

collectively known as “the Purposes”,

1.1 I also consent for Sihat Sarawakku to: –

  • collect, administer, manage, and process my Personal Data (including sensitive personal data) obtained directly or indirectly from third parties, registered medical practitioners, clinics, hospitals, laboratories, other relevant healthcare facilities and/or the Ministry of Health Malaysia;
  • disclose my personal data to the Ministry of Health Malaysia, if necessary.


  • I acknowledge and confirm that I have read and understand the Privacy Policy of Sihat Sarawakku.
  • I confirm and declare that my personal data and information disclosed to Sihat Sarawakku are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
  • I undertake to inform Sihat Sarawakku immediately on any changes of my personal data.